VibAdvisor WBV VCI

by 3R Brasil Tecnologia / Rogerio D. Regazzi


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Tip(s) for VibAdvisor WBV VCI: In the time inputs, some gadjets apply a pattern of hh:mm:ss followed by AM or PM. So, to enter 00:30, that is, 30 minutes of exposure, for example, one should use: 12:30 AM (00:30). In case of working with exposures above 12 hours when, for example: exposure time of 14:30, the value 02:30 PM should be used.Whole body vibration (WBV) is a generic term used where any vibration of any frequency is transferred to the human body. Whole-Body Vibration is experienced when sitting, standing or lying on a vibrating surface. For example, a forklift truck operator, tractor, helicopters, boats may be exposed to vibration through the seat, backrest or when standing by the feet resulting in WBV. These vibrations can also be transmitted when lying down, needing to exchange the axes assessment carefully with the weights in the x, y and z. App ViBAdvisor WBV is a extremely easy to use calculator for estimating vibration exposures, based on partial normalized acceleration A(8), Max A(8) and A(8)v. It is a quick tool for auditing and analyze the measurement results and occupational reports. Issues reporting of occupational vibration and daily exposure help people to control and preserve health and safety. This App has as innovative feature complying the requirements of any regulations, normative criterion or CURRENT legislation: NHO-10, European Directive and ISO 2631. Just changing the App settings clearly and intelligently allowed the evaluation in different standards of input data. Automatically sending email as a report.
The greater the exposure level, the greater the risk and the more action employers will need to take to reduce the risk. For WBV the exposure action value (EAV) is a daily exposure of 0.5 m/s2 A(8). The exposure limit value (ELV) is the maximum amount of vibration an employee may be exposed to on any single day. For WBV vibration the ELV is a daily exposure of 1,15 m/s2 A(8). It represents a high risk above which employees should not be exposed.
The mHsec series has a strategy aimed at reducing the work-related ill-health in partnership with leading stakeholders.